Why permaculture? And how …
There are many reasons to do permaculture, so find out what makes most sense for you from these Top 5 Readons:
1. A much more ecologically sustainable lifestyle;
2. Top quality home grown nutrition that tastes fantastic;
3. More fun ‘n’ fulfilment in your life through applying a set of tools, attitudes and practices, backed by the ethics of Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share that give you hope, practicality and enjoyment;
4. Designing, creating and implementing solutions to significant challenges in your life;
5. Being part of a growing solutions-oriented social movement with strong local and global networks that is making a difference around the world.
To find out more about why and how permaculture can benefit you, buy Eat More Raw Too, start using the Free Stuff and / or visit the following pages:
‘Permies’ website - said to be the world’s most active PC website, full of practical information
Geoff Lawton’s site - perhaps the world’s most active permaculture teacher, particularly good for larger scale projects
Learn Permaculture – a great site for saying why permaculture is so useful, important and enjoyable from one of the UK’s most active and important permaculture teachers
The UK Permaculture Association – particularly useful for understanding about different permaculture courses and training
The Permaculture Magazine – a great resource on PC that’s happening all around the world
Looby Macnamara’s site - particularly good for the people dimension of permaculture
Robyn Francis and Djanbung Garden’s site
David Holgren - the website of one of permaculture two initiators
April Sampson-Kelly - affordable on-line permaculture courses
Cana Dulce Permaculture School, Spain - a fantastic project, teaching permaculture, forest gardening, yoga and natural health, with a high percentage raw lifestyle - Eat More Raw Too author, Steve, normally teaches 1 Design Course a year here
There is so much excellent permaculture material on the internet now – the above are some great sites to get you started.